OMEA District ContestFor the first time ever, the Jackson High School Bands sent three groups to large group contest! Our Wind Ensemble and Concert Winds both received superior ratings, with the Wind Ensemble receiving all 1's for their score. Symphonic Band made its debut in an OMEA Adjudicated Event with an Excellent rating!
JCS Booster ScholarshipCongratulations too all of our scholarship winners!
Mary Elizabeth Billman Scholarship - Meranda Coleman All-Star Scholarship - Colt McManis Richard Berry Scholarship - James Waugh Richard Berry Memorial - Ethan Malone Center Stage Scholarship - Mason Howell Service Scholarship - Hannah Fox JCS Boosters Hope Scholarships - Jade Wyant BGSU Honor BandCongratulations to the following JHS Band members for being selected to the 2020 Bowling Green State University Honor Band:
Grant Balzer - trumpet Sarah Bowman - tuba Kylie Defoy - flute Hannah Haley - clarinet Elizabeth Perry - bassoon Mackenzie Perry - horn Isabella Scully-Tenpenny - flute |
Remind Text AlertsWe have a text alert service for high school band students and parents. Students and parents should be signed up for quick alerts.
Text to 81010 with the following message @jmi2025 @jmi2024 @jmi2023 @jmi2022 Best Community For Music EducationJackson City Schools have been designated one of the 2020 "Best Communities for Music Education" for the sixth consecutive year! This is very exciting for our students, schools, and community. Thank you to our district leadership, parents, and community for your continued support of music in our schools.
Mr. Hurd RecognizedCongratulations to Mr. Hurd for receiving the 2018 Young Music Educator of the Year Award from the Ohio Music Education Association(OMEA). The purpose of this award is to recognize and honor an OMEA member for excellence in music education who has been teaching between three and eight years. It recognizes young music educators for their outstanding service, dedication, and overall contribution to music education. The nominee should contribute personal effort and time beyond the normal teaching duties in promoting music education and the arts in his/her school system, community, region, and/or state.